Call for Papers – 11th Annual RASSL Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

11th Annual RASSL Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences

March 22-24, 2018

Call for Papers

“Heritage, Culture and Sri Lankan Society”

Research papers should be relevant to the above main theme, and under the following sub-themes:

  • Heritage, Culture and Archaeology
  • Language, Education and Communication
  • Nutrition, Health and Medical Practices
  • Science, Technology and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • Aesthetics and Social Values
  • Philosophy and Psychology

Papers may be presented in Sinhala or English

Extended Abstracts of papers should be in twelve point, Times New Roman/FM Abhaya, A4 page format, 30 mm left margin and 25 mm other margins, one and half line spacing and not exceeding 1000 words and include Title, Author/s, Institutional Affiliation/s if any, Postal Address, Tel., email address and five keywords. Sinhala abstracts should also include title and keywords in English. Extended Abstracts should be sent only by email to They should be in the prescribed format, which is downloadable from RASSL website. Extended Abstracts and Full papers should be submitted as Soft Copies only in MS Word Format.

  • Deadline for Submission of Extended Abstracts: Friday, January 12, 2018
  • Announcement of Acceptance: Friday, February 16, 2018
  • Submission of Full Papers: Friday, March 09, 2018

(Full papers will be considered for publication in the RASSL International Journal published through the past 172 years.)

  • Registration fees for members: LKR 1450/-
  • Registration fees for non-members: LKR 2,250/-

Conference Coordinator: Eng. Chandana Jayawardana

(Tel: 011-2699249)


96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07

Sri Lanka


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